Prac English : Make Essay

Hello everyone 📣 . I will provide a tips to make essays easier. Let's go follow guyss 🎧🎹🎸

First, determine the theme that you will create. The theme I will create here is MUSIC.

Second, find for reference titles related to your theme. Example for reference for the title of the theme I took :

  • Meaning of music
  • Benefits of music
  • Music history
  • Music genres
  • Musical instrument

Third, after getting several title references, the next step is to choose one of the title references. Here I will choose the title "Musical Instruments".

Fourth, determine the guidelines for the title. If the title I take is Musical Instruments, then the guidelines must be related to musical instruments, namely:

  1. Stringed instruments
  2. Wind instruments
  3. Percussion instruments
  4. Electronic instruments

And the final step, develop the guidelines into a paragraph. Let's try go go !!

Musical Instruments in Indonesia

    Now in Indonesia, musical instruments have spread throughout the region and are very diverse. Starting from traditional musical instruments to modern musical instruments in Indonesia. we can find various musical instruments with unique characteristics. The first one that people often use is stringed musical instruments, then the second is wind instruments, the third is percussion musical instruments, and the fourth is electronic musical instruments.

  Stringed musical instruments are divided into traditional and modern stringed instruments based on the region they come from, each of which has different names. There are 19 types of stringed musical instruments found from sources in various media, both native to Indonesia and from abroad. One of the most popular things used by young people is the guitar. Apart from the fact that the chords are easy to learn, the sound of the guitar strings also gives energy and the melody is beautiful and fun. It's fun to jam with friends. Apart from guitars, there are also violins, lutes, harps and several other examples of stringed instruments. and what you need to know, all of them have different chords according to the traditions of their respective regions

  Flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet are examples of wind instruments. the sound produced by wind instruments through the movement of air and providing an extraordinary range of tones. Starting from the soft flute tones that create a very calm atmosphere, to the beautiful tones of the saxophone. However, it is quite difficult to play this musical instrument, therefore this wind instrument is not popular with many young people.

   Percussion musical instruments produce sound by hitting, vibrating, or shaking. they provide rhythm and beats in music that can make music more lively. drums, maracas, tambourines, and xylophones are examples of this musical instrument. This musical instrument produces various types of sounds, from loud sounds to soft rhythms.

    In today's digital era, electronic musical instruments have become an essential part of the music world. Instruments played using electricity are known as electrophones. As mentioned in Stepanus Kari Hartaya's book "Organology of Diatonic Musical Instruments," the sound sources for electrophones are powered by electricity. Electric instruments are a group of musical instruments where the sound is produced with the aid of electricity. For instance, the vibraphone requires a sound effect vibrator, thus electric power is needed to move the resonator tubes. The same goes for electric guitars, electric pianos, or electric bass guitars. Mechanically, these instruments produce sound but at a low volume. To increase the sound volume, electrical equipment such as amplifiers is required.

 Yeah it's done! i hope this help you guyss. See u when i see u 👋
